A participation fee for players helps support the Harvey Philips Foundation, which produces and distributes the music. Once again this year their fees will be covered by Ron Guerin of Calax Environmental Consulting, who recognizes the very special value of this unique performance and how much it depends on players willing to share their time and talent. Calex specializes in assisting companies with compliance with environmental and occupational regulations (www.calexenvironmental.com).
While the concert is free, donations of any size are requested to help offset the other costs of this very special event. “The donations we receive at this show amount to our greatest single fundraiser each year,” said GNWCA President Charlie Jordan. “The funds go directly into helping pay the performers of the over 20 concerts the GNWCA hosts regionally each year. Please consider giving what you can.”
For more information on this and other GNWCA shows, find the Great North Woods Committee for the Arts on Facebook, visit www.gnwca.org or you can call 237-9302 or 246-8998.