“Pandemic Parodies” comically follows the Hoffmeyer family over a two-and-a-half-month period during the height of COVID-19. Dad Brian, mom (and author) Donna, 14-year-old son Brady (14) and 10-year-old daughter Bianca (and illustrator) are laid out there, completely vulnerable to make people laugh when they felt like crying because, as the author says, “writing humor helps me relieve stress,” adding that she felt people could all use a little stress relief as the pandemic drags on. Many readers will likely relate to the difficulties of home schooling during a quarantine and find nuggets of their own struggle in this book that reads like a journal. Grandparents and parents are going to love
this writer’s reports, designed to resonate with anyone who has had children in their life.
Donna Hoffmeyer is a former nurse in the United States Air Force, who retired in 2020, after 21 years. Her first publication, “Warrior to Patriot Citizen,” is a helpful guide to assist soldiers in all branches who are ready to transition out of the service and into civilian life. Hoffmeyer wrote it after seeing so many soldiers struggling to transition out of the service.
The youngest Hoffmeyer, Bianca, was nine when her mom was urged by friends and family to put the collection into a book. Bianca has always loved to draw and do artwork that is proudly displayed all over the Hoffmeyer home. She says, “I did the illustrations because I wanted to do something really cool at a very young age. I mean, who gets to illustrate a book at 9 years old?” The family was happy to share a daughter and mother working together on something and see it come to print. Since she was old enough to hold a brush, Bianca has loved to draw and do anything art-related.
To learn more about “Pandemic Parodies” or to order a signed copy, go online to www.rebel-llc.com/shop. Paperback and Ebook copies are available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and distributors for schools, bookstores and libraries.
People can meet Donna during a book talk and signing that is scheduled to take place at the Great North Woods Center for the Arts in Columbia on Friday, June 3 at 7 p.m.